Phase 3 Trial Currently Enrolling MacTel Patients

Neurotech Pharmaceuticals, with support from the Lowy Medical Research Institute, is currently enrolling a Phase 3 clinical trial testing ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in patients with macular telangiectasia type 2.  This is a multi-center trial, with clinical sites in the United States, Europe, and Australia.

How do I Participate?

You may contact a clinical site near you to find out about screening for the trial. Please refer to our current list of clinical sites participating in the trial for site contact information.

You may also contact LMRI for assistance or with questions about the clinical trial.

Who is Eligible?

MacTel patients must be examined at a MacTel Project clinical site that is participating in the clinical trial to determine eligibility.  All expenses associated with this exam are covered, and depending on your location, travel expenses may be covered as well.  Your physician can refer you to the trial, or you may refer yourself if you have a diagnosis of MacTel.

What is the Clinical Trial Testing?

This clinical trial is testing whether a small molecule, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), is an effective treatment in patients with macular telangiectasia type 2. The purpose of the trial is to investigate whether CNTF can slow the progression of MacTel when compared to a sham procedure.

Neurotech Pharmaceuticals has developed a small device (NT-501) that uses encapsulated cell technology to deliver CNTF to the back of the eye.

Neurotech Pharmaceuticals, in collaboration with LMRI, has completed a Phase 2 study of the NT-501 device in MacTel patients. The results were published in the journal Ophthalmology, and more information about the study can be found on the LMRI website.1

How Long Does the Trial Last?

Participants enrolled in the Phase 3 trial will be followed for two years with a total of nine visits. This is a Treatment/Sham (placebo) study.

The Phase 1 and Phase 2 participants continue to be followed in a long-term extension study.

This Phase 3 study is registered with under two study IDs: NCT03319849 and NCT03316300.

UPDATE:  Enrollment for the Phase 3 trial has closed.  


1 Effect of Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor on Retinal Neurodegeneration in Patients with Macular Telangiectasia type 2. Chew EY, et al. Ophthalmology, April 2019. 126(4):540-549.