Collaborating Investigators

The Lowy Medical Research Institute works in collaboration with scientific investigators at universities around the world to study macular telangiectasia type 2. Scientists are invited to participate in LMRI research based on the specific expertise each brings to the project. LMRI-affiliated laboratory and clinical researchers share information about MacTel with each other to advance both knowledge about the disease, and the mission of LMRI.

Rando Allikmets, PhD

Acquavella Professor, Columbia University
Research Director, Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute

Melanie Bahlo, PhD

Associate Professor
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Paul Bernstein, MD

University of Utah School of Medicine

Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD

President, Lowy Medical Research Institute
Professor, The Scripps Research Institute
Chief, Retina Services, Scripps Clinic

Marcus Fruttiger, PhD

University College London

Mark Gillies, MD, PhD

University of Sydney, Save Sight Institute

Timothy Cherry, PhD

Assistant Professor
University of Washington School of Medicine

Aaron Lee, MD

Assistant Professor
University of Washington

Christian Metallo, PhD

Associate Professor
University of California, San Diego