Board of Scientific Governors

The Lowy Medical Research Institute is advised by a distinguished Board of Scientific Governors. Members of the Board of Scientific Governors are leaders in medicine, translational research, and basic science research. The Board of Scientific Governors advises on current scientific projects and future research directions at the Lowy Medical Research Institute.

Alan Bird, MD

Professor Emeritus
Moorfields Eye Hospital

Connie Cepko, PhD

Harvard Medical School
Investigator, HHMI

Clary Clish

Senior Director of Metabolomics and Institute Scientist; Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Ian Constable AO

Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD

President, Lowy Medical Research Institute
Professor, The Scripps Research Institute
Chief, Retina Services, Scripps Clinic

Joseph Gleeson, MD

University of California, San Diego
Investigator, HHMI

Robert Graham, AO, FAA, MD

Executive Director
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
Professor, University of New South Wales

Edward Holmes, MD

Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine
Distinguished Professor, UCSD

Ehud Isacoff, PhD

Chair and Professor of Neurobiology
University of California, Berkeley

Lee Rubin, PhD

Professor, Harvard University
Director of Translational Medicine
Harvard Stem Cell Institute

Lois Smith, MD, PhD

Harvard Medical School